
In the event that you don't want your layouts written in JSON, or that you wish to create your own layout format, you can create custom parsers for EverLayout by conforming to a few protocols.


  • LayoutIndexParser
  • LayoutViewParser
  • LayoutConstraintParser
  • LayoutPropertyParser
  • LayoutTemplateParser

Using these parsers

The parsing of a layout always starts with its index, or the LayoutIndexParser. When a parser returns a data model, it is responsible for ensuring that the model has access to its own appropriate parser.

To use your own parsers, you can pass an LayoutIndexParser when instantiating EverLayout.

    self.layout = EverLayout(layoutData: data , indexParser: myYamlIndexParser)


For general usage tips on writing a parser, check out the JSON parsers that are included:

  • LayoutIndexJSONParser
  • LayoutViewJSONParser
  • LayoutConstraintsJSONParser
  • LayoutConstraintsJSONComprehensiveParser
  • LayoutPropertiesJSONParser
  • LayoutTemplatesJSONParser